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  Shanghai  Go   

Shanghai, China's largest and most cosmopolitan city, also dubbed as the "New York of Asia," draws attention thanks to its many attractions. The metropolis combines traditional with modern China that thrives in the capitalist system. Those who like technology and modernity will undoubtedly identify themselves with this Asian metropolis.

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* Click on "see more" to get information about: average temperature, how to getting around, where to stay, common phrases and much more...


City Highlights:
Image highligh icon   Oriental Pearl TV Tower
    Rating:   4.60
Image highligh icon   The Bund
    Rating:   4.70
Image highligh icon   Pudong
    Rating:   4.60


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  New York  Go   






  Fortaleza  Go   






  Frankfurt  Go   






  Los Angeles  Go   


Florianópolis   Florianópolis
São Paulo   São Paulo
São Luis   São Luis
Natal   Natal
Barcelona   Barcelona
Hong Kong   Hong Kong


Santiago   Santiago

London   London

Cape Town   Cape Town

Gramado   Gramado

Sydney   Sydney

Buenos Aires   Buenos Aires

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